Window Frame

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12 - 21
Louvre Window Offering the Air Circulation
Aluminum Louvre frame offering the ultimate in ventilation, vision and value for windows. Window frame provide a practical and stylish window alternative. The unique of louvre windows ensures minimize interruption to your view while adjusted the blades allow you to control the airflow throughout our
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11 - 02
Perfect ventilation louver frame for house
Aluno louver frame is a perfect ventilation product that allows air to pass through it while keeping out unwanted elements such as water, dirt, and debris. It takes less space to move the louver blade and adjust the air from both sides. When using obscure glass, timber or aluminum blades for privacy
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05 - 25
Aluminum Louver Frame
Aluminum louver window has a very good lighting the house, being widely use for commercial building, villa and departments. With the glass blades, adjustable handle, to control the blade direction. Good for air ventilation, many island countries and Africa countries keen on use Jalousie window.
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Guangdong Aluno Industry Co., Ltd.
  +86-15322860791
  No. 601, Building B1, Tian'an Digital Town, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province.

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